CONGRATS! You are now part of Chip's Blog.  You picked this blog because you are smart, brave, and you like to lead.  At Chip's Blog, you can comment all about Chip.  Say the things you like about him or stuff you don't.  Here at Chip's Blog we like to be brave, act smart, and lead the other blogs! Right!?!  -April
6/24/2012 01:20:57 am

I like Chip because he is smart (compared to Dale) and he's a leader.

11/3/2012 10:29:17 am

I Chip he is like my hero. Do u know like one day i was like falling from the sky and he like caught me. I was like HEE HEE and that was are conversation.Isn't that great. i never tell anybody this but i like have dreams like about CHIP I LOVE HIM. HE IS MY BABE - Toodles - Mia PS; chip is my babe!


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